Exposition virtuelle «Al Basma» sur la plateforme «Artsy»

La Diwaniya Art Gallery, invite une pléiade d’artistes d’Algérie, du monde arabe et de la rive nord de la Méditerranée, à présenter leurs œuvres dans une exposition virtuelle, intitulée «Al Basma» en partenariat avec la célèbre plateforme New Yorkaise Artsy, a-t-on appris auprès de la galerie d’art. Read the full interview here Date More articles

Diwaniya Art Gallery présente «Al Basma»

Huit artistes à découvrir sur la plateforme Artsy! Mise en ligne le 20 juin prochain, cette exposition qui vous permet de découvrir de belles «empreintes» artistiques est visible jusqu’au mois d’octobre 2021… Read the full interview here Date More articles

Le Monde Diplomatique

thinking design, creative solutions Le Monde Diplomatique recently published an article on Algeria and chose one of my works to accompany it See it Here   Date More articles

Arts and Collections

thinking design, creative solutions Patrick Altes exhibition “Tolerance” confronts negative cultural stereotypes Read the full article  here Date More articles

UNA LASER Newsletter

“LEGACY” virtual Art Exhibition – UNA Bexhill and Hastings
UNA Bexhill and Hastings has been supporting the art work of Franco-Algerian Artist, Patrick Altes, who is based in Hastings.

Considering Art Podcast. Patrick Altes, mixed media artist of Algerian heritage

thinking design, creative solutions In our latest podcast episode, UK-based French mixed media artist talks about life as a “pied noir”, the name given to those of European origin born in Algeria but who moved to France following independence. He talks about how this and living in South Africa, South America and Europe have had […]

Art Scoops: In Pursuit of Tolerance

A major new exhibition of work by Patrick Altes, an award-winning Algerian-born visual artist of French and Spanish descent who lives in the UK, is currently under way at the Gerald Moore Gallery, London, titled ‘Tolerance’.

Nahla Ink Journal

Patrick Altes is a UK-based French-Algerian artist with a highly nuanced and sophisticated understanding of the word ‘Tolerance’, the title for his latest solo exhibition currently taking place at Gerald Moore Gallery in South East London. Mostly, he uses the word in the geopolitical context to refer to the types of relationships that can be […]

Wall Street International

thinking design, creative solutions Altes has created several installation pieces for this exhibition, together with new digital collages, posters and paintings, often involving the layering process that has become a hallmark of his work. A leading light in the emerging Franco-Algerian art movement, Altes’s first-hand experience of unjust, brutal and discriminatory societies fuelled a sense […]
