Patrick Altes in the Arab Weekly

thinking design, creative solutions Patrick Altes was featured in London exhibit explores Algerian identity, an article in The Arab Weekly exploring what it means to be Algerian and talking to artists including Patrick Altes. Date More articles

7e Festival International de l’Art Contemporain au Mama

thinking design, creative solutions Le 7e Festival international de l’art contemporain a été étrenné, jeudi soir, au Musée d’art moderne et contemporain (MaMA), à Alger, par le vernissage d’une exposition intitulée «Parenthèse…». Comme il est de tradition dans un tel événement artistique, c’est en présence d’un public nombreux et connaisseur à la fois que l’exposition […]

BBC Interview featuring Patrick Altes

thinking design, creative solutions In this BBC interview featuring Janet Rady Fine Art artist Patrick Altes, curator Toufik Douib talks about Algerianism Part I, a group exhibition and a collaboration between Toufik Douib and Patrick Altès. Date More articles


thinking design, creative solutions We are pleased to share with you our first monthly newsletter and December issue available here, focusing on one of Janet Rady Fine Art artists. ‘Featuring a variety of topics including events, exhibition and book reviews, interviews and analyses of the region, as well as competitions, hot tips and maybe even […]

A Historian’s perspective. Dr Natalya Vince and Patrick Altes

thinking design, creative solutions In this inspiring article, Patrick Altes and Dr. Natalya Vince discuss Altes’ residency at the University of Portsmouth, where he worked in the School of Languages and Area Studies for ten months in 2012-13 and was funded by the Leverhulme Trust’s Artist in Residence scheme. “Patrick Altes’s brings a new perspective […]


thinking design, creative solutions In his interview for The Francophone Africa Portsmouth University website, downloadable here, Altes talks about his experience as an artist in residence at the university, elaborating on the the influences, techniques and concept that shaped his work and style today. Revolution in the Air (135x72cm). Digital print on Hahnemühle paper Date […]

Patrick Altes Features in Zapruder Magazine and Jadmag

thinking design, creative solutions After his successful participation in the Oran Biennale, Zapruder, an Italian social and political magazine is featuring Patrick Altes’ “A Story of Revolutions” series with “Pied Noir Cowboy” as a cover in its Movimenti Nei Mediterraneo edition of April 2014. To see the issue, click here. And JadMag, edited by Tadween […]

Patrick Altes in Le Journal de l’Oranais

thinking design, creative solutions ‘PROUD TO BE THE FIRST PIED NOIR ARTIST TO EXHIBIT IN ORAN’ June 11th, 2014 – Ziad Salah Rencontré dans l’immense salle de la Médiathèque d’Oran qui a abrité la 3ème Biennale, Patrick ALTES, peintre français, a aimablement répondu à nos questions. En premier lieu, il nous a parlé des cinq […]

The Double Negative: Map of a Wretched Past

thinking design, creative solutions  A COMPELLING REVIEW ON PATRICK ALTES May 20th, 2014 MAP OF A WRETCHED PAST: Patrick Altes “What shapes your sense of belonging? French-Algerian artist Patrick Altes attempts to reconcile his identity with the troubled history of his birthplace, finds Stephen Clarke…” To find the full story click here Pied Noir Cowboy […]

London’s Burning

thinking design, creative solutions Press Release: London Burning’ triptych The triptych ‘London’s Burning’ offers a “spiritual” vision of the recent riots in England. Inspired by the Landmarks stained glass windows the work has a mosaic-like quality with their rich and almost transparent, luminous colours. In this work, random and inexplicable acts of mindless craziness become […]
